Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 54-59

Effect of cyclosporine on liver regeneration in partial hepatectomized rats

Baretta, Giorgio Alfredo PedrosoGama Filho, OzimoToderke, Edimar LeandroTolazzi, André Ricardo Dall'OglioMatias, Jorge Eduardo Fouto

PURPOSE: To evaluate the influence of the cyclosporine in liver regeneration in rats submitted to an experimental model of 70% hepatectomy. METHODS: Forty male rats were randomly divided in four subgroups (C.24h, C.7d, E.24h, E.7d), according to the drug used and the day of sacrifice (24 hours and 7 days). Cyclosporine (10mg/Kg/day) was given to the study subgroup and 1 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride was to the control subgroup. Resection of left lateral lobe and median lobe performing 70% of liver mass. During the animals death, KWON formula was applied. Counting of mitotic figures and percentage of positive nucleus with PCNA and Ki-67 were evaluated. RESULTS: In the 2nd, 4th PO and death days, E.7d lose more weight than C.7d. Regarding to the KWON formula, the C.7d regenerated more than the C.24h and the same with the E.7d. Comparing between the groups, only E7d subgroup was statistically significant compared with C.7d, showing the stimulating effect of cyclosporine in liver regeneration. Immunohistochemestry had significant results between the study subgroups. The mitotic index revealed statistical differences in the control subgroups. CONCLUSION: Cyclosporine, in spite of being an immunosuppressive drug, has a positive effect in liver regeneration, although reduce the animals body weight.(AU)

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