Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 01-06

Malformações congênitas multissistêmicas em um feto bovino abortado

Mariath Bassuino, DanieleWurster, FabianaDuarte Juffo, GregorySilva Boos, Giseleda Silva Santos, AdrianaAline Bobbi Antoniassi, NadiaDriemeier, David

Background: Congenital anomalies are structural and functional abnormalities that are present at birth, and they are frequently the result of environmental or genetic factors or both. Their etiology may also be related to infectious agents, such as viruses, hereditary factors, or the ingestion of toxic plants or chemical agents. Congenital anomalies usually occur sporadically, but they also can occur as outbreaks. The objective of this paper is to describe the multiple congenital malformations observed in an aborted bovine fetus.Case: A bovine fetus was sent to Laboratory Veterinary Pathology UFRGS for necropsy, histological analysis and complementary exams such as bacteriology, direct immunofl uorescence for Leptospira sp. and immunohistochemistry for bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV). The fetus presented multiple congenital alterations, such as dextraposition of the aorta and absence of the pulmonary artery, tracheal stenosis, a hypoplastic lung, multiple heart defects, arthrogryposis, osteopetrosis, and the absence of the middle phalanx and accessory digits in the forelimbs. Furthermore, dystocia and enlargement of the liver were observed, the organ showed irregular surface, fi rm consistency and nodular formation. A histological exam verifi ed the accentuated hepatic periportal fi brosis. All complementary exams were negative.Discussion: Congenital anomalies can affect onl

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