Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 01-04

Técnicas anatômicas como método complementar para aprendizado de nefrotomia

Díaz de Carvalho, Amarílisde Souza, FernandaBarbosa Silva, RenatoZechin Bavaresco, AndréiaVoll, JulianaAntônio Contesini, EmersonHoff Reckziegel, Sueli

Background: The use of animals in attempt to understand biological processes began many years ago with Hippocrates (450 B.C.). Galeno (129-210 a.C.) studied the anatomy and physiology of the monkeys, believing in their similarity to humans. The use of animals in experiments has always been the target of too much criticism by several society segments, questioning animal suffering after manipulation. This is due to the fact that students and professors consider that such practices are against their moral and ethical principles, besides the psychological issues that they can promote. Because of this, alternative and complementary methods were developed for surgical training and motor development of surgeons, with the goal to reduce the number of animals in these practices and to increase qualifi cation and surgical skills. The objective of this study is to offer a complementary method of learning in the area of surgery, specifi cally anatomical techniques as a complementary method for learning nephrotomy.Materials, Methods & Results: Four dog kidneys were used from the pathology sector of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. The kidneys were removed from the abdominal cavity with the perirenal fat, blood vessels and ureter. The renal artery, renal vein and ureter were cannulated and fi lled with red, blue and yellow colored latex, respectively. After this, the kidney

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