Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

Biofilm production and antibiotic susceptibility of planktonic and biofilm bacteria of canine dental tartar isolates

Manuel, AtulyaRao, Josyula VenkataJohn, KoshyAranjani, Jesil Mathew

Background: In nature, bacteria prefer to live as a community rather than planktonic cells. Biofi lm is such a communityof bacteria embedded in a coherent cluster of polysaccharides, proteins and nucleic acids. The biofi lm formation in thedental cavity can result in the development of periodontal diseases. Biofi lm in the oral cavity can affect the general healthof the dog and the bacterial toxins can damage the visceral organs engaged in detoxifi cation. It can also be detrimentalto human health when transferred via animal bites. Aim of this study is to isolate the organisms from the dental tartars ofdogs and to study their response to antibiotics in both planktonic and biofi lm mode of life.Materials, Methods & Results: Organisms were isolated from fourteen canines with dental tartar using brain heart infusionagar medium. They were identifi ed as per Bergys Manual. Antibiogram of the isolates were done with the Kirby Bauermethod using standard antibiotic discs. Initial screening of biofi lm production was done using the congo red agar assay.Quantifi cation of biofi lms were done using a standard microtitre plate method using crystal violet staining. The minimuminhibitory concentration and minimum biofi lm eradication concentration were compared to determine the change in theantimicrobial susceptibility pattern of dental tartar isolates when they go from the planktonic to the biofi lm mode of growth.Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of four broad spectrum antibiotics on isolated strains were determined as perCLSI guidelines. Minimum biofi lm eradication concentrations (MBEC) of the tested antibiotics were calculated for theisolates using a standard microtitre plate MBEC assay. Bacterial biofi lm formation provides the bacteria inherent resistanceto antibiotic chemotherapy and helps in the persistence of infection. The dental plaque is a dental biofi lm which gets calcifi ed and becomes dental tartar. In the present study, the isolated...(AU)

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