Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

Estudo nutricional e microbiológico de resíduos sólidos orgânicos utilizados na alimentação de suínos

Juffo, Everton Eduardo Lopes DiasMatos, Lisiane MoreiraVieira, Tatiana ReginaRibeiro, Andrea Machado LealSchmidt, Verônica

Background: Finding alternative foods that the meet nutritional and energetic requirements of pigs, with less costs andwithout affecting negatively the performance of the animals, is a must in order to achieve a better production efficiencyand to maintain the market prices. In Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil there is a group of pig farmers that is part of a city hallsproject, in which organic solid waste (OSW) is reused in pig feeding. This waste is composed of leftovers from the prepreparation of food and of unused food from units preparing and serving food (USA). This study aimed at evaluating thenutritional composition of this waste for utilization in pig feeding, as well as its microbiological aspects.Materials, Methods & Results: Organic solid waste generated in 14 units of a “self service” food store from a shoppingmall were sampled. The samples were homogenized in each collection, resulting in four compound samples. Dry matter(MS), ashes (CZ), crude fat (GB), crude fiber (FB), crude protein (PB), calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), organic matter(MO), nitrogen-free extract (ENN), total digestive nutrients (NDT), digestible energy (ED), metabolizable energy (EM)contents and pH were determined. In order to analyze the data, Descriptive Statistics was used and the values were compared with those found in Brazilian tables for poultry and pigs. We verified average contents of 78.76% moisture; 3.97%PB; 0.52% FB; 4.2% EE; 13.21% ENN: 0.18% Ca; 0.15% P, 924 kcal/kg ED and 756 Kcal/kg EM. It was calculated that10 kg.animal-1 OSW is necessary for the grow phase (30 to 70 kg of live weight). In the finish stage...(AU)

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