Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

Thyroidectomy with parathyroid implantation: is it an easy technique?

Corgozinho, Katia BarãoCunha, Simone Carvalho dos SantosSilva, Kássia Valéria Gomes Coelho daPimenta, Ana Luisa PinheiroSiqueira, RicardoFerreira, Ana Maria ReisSouza, Heloisa Justen Moreira de

Background: Feline hyperthyroidism is the most common endocrine disorder in cats. Cats may not reach the diseasecontrol and/or have side effects with medical therapy. Thyroidectomy is a definitive treatment and the only option whenradioactive iodine is not available. Extracapsular thyroidectomy with transplantation of the external parathyroid gland isthe surgical technique that minimizes the risk of postoperative hypocalcemia when it is compared to others. The aim ofthis study is report the difficulty in visualizing parathyroid gland during extracapsular thyroidectomy with transplantationof the external parathyroid gland technique in hyperthyroid cats.Materials, Methods & Results: Thirty hyperthyroid cats were evaluated and submitted to extracapsular thyroidectomywith transplantation of the external parathyroid gland. Blood samples were collected to hematologic, biochemical andhormonal (total thyroxine) analysis. On physical examination, at least one cervical thyroid lobe was palpable. Cats weretreated with methimazole. Thyroidectomy was recommended when adverse effects of medication occurred or medicalhormonal stabilization was not achieved. The excised thyroid and a sample of external parathyroid gland were histologically examined. Thirteen castrated males and seventeen spayed female cats in age ranging from eight to nineteen years(mean age 13.3 years) were indicated to surgery. Twenty three cats were Brazilian domestic short hair, six were Siameseand one was Oriental. Thyroid palpable cervical nodule was unilateral in eight cats and bilateral in twenty two cats. Thereasons for surgery included adverse effects of methimazole (14/30), difficulty in medicating, owners interest in surgicaltreatment (6/30) and inability to stabilize with medical management (10/30). None developed any anesthetic or postoperative complications. The...(AU)

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