Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

Avaliação anatomopatológica de testículos de bovinos(Bos taurus) superprecoces submetidos a imunocastração

Withoeft, Jéssica AlineChiocca, MaisaSantiani, FábioCosta, Leonardo Silva daMateus, Karina AlineSantos, Moises Rodrigues dosCasagrande, Renata AssisCucco, Diego de Córdova

Background: Immunocastration is a less invasive and painless procedure compared to surgical castration, which causesgreater stress to animals, especially when performed improperly. Immunocastration stimulates the production of antibodiesagainst Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH), temporarily blocking the hormone production by the male gonads.Anatomopathological evaluation of animals submitted to immunocastration with the establishment of different degrees oftesticular degeneration helps to evaluate the efficacy of the different dose ranges used for this procedure. Because of thescarcity of information about this procedure in young bulls, the study aimed to compare the immunocastrated and noncastrated animals.Materials, Methods & Results: Eighteen Angus-Limousin bulls were used from weaning (7±1 months) to slaughtering(15±1 months) with the establishment of two groups composed of nine non-castrated (NC) and nine immunocastrated (IC)animals. In the IC group, three doses of GnRH synthesis inhibitor vaccine (Bopriva®) were applied on days 0 (weaning),87 and 223. At slaughter, scrotal circumference, weight (kg), width (cm), length (cm) and total size (width x length) of thetesticles were obtained, then were routinely processed for histopathological analysis. Four degrees of testicular degeneration was established: grade 0 (no changes), grade 1 (mild), grade 2 (moderate) and grade 3 (severe). Statistical analysiswas performed using Students t-test to compare the means of macroscopic variables. The scrotal circumference startedto decrease in the IC animals on day 132, with a certain growth from day 194. There was a significant difference betweenthe two groups for width (P = 0.001), length (P = 0.004), total size (P = 0.003) and scrotal circumference (P = 0.04).Testicles of the IC group tended to be lighter (P = 0.06)...(AU)

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