Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

Biometria testicular e sua influência no comportamento sexual de búfalos (Bubalus buballis)

Hyppolito, MarianaZorzetto, Mariana FurtadoSilva-Junior, Edjalma Rodrigues daTironi, Stella Maris TeobaldoSouza, Alessandra GomesCodognoto, Viviane MariaVieira, Andressa FilazSalgado, Letícia CristinaMarques, Nayara Fernanda SilvaOba, Eunice

Background: Brazil is one of the greatest bovine meat exporter in the world. However, the technologies applied at buffalos reproduction is not specific for this specie, adapted technics were established from the cattle breed. When the animalshows weight gain, gonadal and behavioral physiology fallow this tendency and the reproductive status become good andsatisfactory. Thus, the aim of this study was to compare the reproduction characteristics of male buffaloes and its testicularparameters with sexual behavior.Materials, Methods & Results: Seven males Murrah breed with 67.29 ± 11.4 months of age were maintained at confinement for artificial shading. The testicular parameter was performed in restraint trunk and the sexual behavior evaluationwas done with an estrus female. The sexual behavior was performed with an estrous female as a dummy. The testicularbiometry was measured at the beginning and at the end of the experimental design, with the follow parameters: length,width, depth/thickness, scrotal circumference and the total volume. The data were submitted to the analysis of variance,and the means was compared with the Student-Newman-Keuls test, with significance difference P < 0.05 between themedians. The differences in the parameters were scrotal circumference (23.36 cm vs 24.86 cm), testicular length (8.71 cmvs 9.77 cm), right testicular width (8.57 cm vs 9.53 cm) and testicular volume (1.627.40 cm3 vs 2.149,68 cm3), respectively.The sexual behavior showed an increase in the Flehmen reflex, mounts...(AU)

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