Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

Fatores de risco associados com a presença de infecções virais em aves domésticas na região Sul do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

Hirschmann, Lourdes CaruccioFischer, GefersonHübner, Silvia de OliveiraLima, Marcelo deVargas, Gilberto DÁvila

Background: The introduction of any infectious agent into an industrial or subsistence farm worries agribusiness owners in Brazilbecause it reduces product quality and increases treatment costs, although most diseases are untreatable, thus causing economic losseswith morbidity and mortality. Therefore, an epidemiological survey of viral diseases associated with poultry was developed by performing a detailed description of the risk factors that may be related to existing diseases using domestic poultry sample data recordedin the Regional Diagnostic Laboratory (LRD) of College of Veterinary Medicine of the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel), RioGrande do Sul, Brazil, from 2000 to 2016.Materials, Methods & Results: Epidemiological and clinical-pathological data were collected and then compared with disease databy multivariate analysis using statistical EpiInfo version 6.04 and Microsoft Office Excel 2010 software. The frequencies and 95%confidence intervals (CI), association measures (odds ratio=OR and relative risk=RR), Chi-square test, and the results consideredsignificant with a value of P ≤ 0.05 were described. A total of 410 samples of domestic poultry were tested, and the results showed66 (16.1%) viral diseases. The following conditions were the most commonly found diseases in this study: Mareks disease (42.4%),Infectious bursal disease (31.8%), Avian leukosis (16.6%), Avian pox (7.5%) and Avian infectious bronchitis (1.5%). In this articlewe discuss the most frequent viral diseases: Mareks disease (DM) and Gumboro disease. It was also possible to conclude that birdswith Mareks disease presented higher odds of developing nerve, tegumentary and locomotors signs (P ≤ 0.05). As well as, morelikely to present tumoriform lesions in the liver, spleen, kidneys and heart P ≤ 0.05, as well as lesions in the proventriculus, musclelesions and in the sciatic nerve P ≤ 0.05. Laying poultry...(AU)

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