Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

Hematological and biochemical evaluation of dogs undergoing treatment with veterinary dental gel for the reduction of plaque and dental calculus

Andrade, Lorena Priscila OliveiraOliveira, Nina Gabriela Silva GualbertoMagalhães, Fernanda ArgôloMunhoz, Alexandre DiasWenceslau, Amauri AriasCarlos, Renata Santiago Alberto

Background: Periodontal disease affects a large proportion of dogs, causing both local and systemic symptoms. Severalstudies to identify alternative approaches for plaque reduction and removal have been conducted. Recently, Tropiclean FreshBreath Clean Teeth Gel was introduced as an adjuvant to aid in plaque and calculus removal. This product is formulatedusing Aloe vera, green tea, and mint; however, studies on the toxic potential of this product have not been performed yet.The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of Tropiclean Fresh Breath Clean Teeth Gel product on hematologicaland biochemical profiles in dogs undergoing 90-day treatment with the product.Materials, Methods & Results: Per manufacturers recommendation, the product should be used daily for 30 consecutivedays, and subsequently, as maintenance at two to three times a week. In this study, 48 dogs with periodontal disease whoreceived prolonged daily treatment for 90 consecutive days underwent hematological and biochemical evaluation. Duringthe 90 days treatment duration, the animals were examined daily to identify the presence of adverse effects; and changesin halitosis were reported. At pre-treatment time-point, 5 mL of blood was collected via cephalic or jugular vein puncturein EDTA tubes for determining the complete blood count (CBC), and in tubes without EDTA for the urea, creatinine,and ALT levels; in addition, for comparison, blood was collected after 90 days treatment. At post-treatment time-point,the hematological and biochemical analyses showed significantly lower total leukocyte count as compared to that at pretreatment (P < 0.01); comprising lower neutrophil count as the cell type involved (P < 0.05). The other parameters showedno statistically significant differences, demonstrating an absence of the products effect in terms of alteration of theseprofiles...(AU)

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