Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

Influência do meio de conservação à base de água de coco em pó (ACP-102c) na manutenção da atividade mitocondrial de espermatozoides ovinos criopreservados

Brito, Bruna FariasSantos, Bárbara Mara BandeiraCabral, Leonardo Alves RodriguesLima, David Baruc CruvinelSalgueiro, Cristiane Clemente de MelloNunes, José Ferreira

Background: Semen extenders are required to protect and preserve semen, and the development of suitable extenders iskey for artificial insemination. Although the use of Tris-based diluent is widespread, new diluents such as powdered coconut water have been developed for better sperm protection. One way to evaluate the effectiveness of diluents is throughmicroscopic analyses that evaluate sperm motility, vigor, and concentration. However, these analyses are limited, and maynot provide accurate results. New evaluation techniques have been studied, and one of the tests that can be used to addreliability to these analyses is mitochondrial activity evaluation, which can sum all the parameters, and provide a moreaccurate evaluation. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of ACP-102c in cryopreserved ram semen.Materials, Methods & Results: Five semen samples were collected from two ram breeders using artificial vagina (n = 10).Each ejaculate was divided into the following two treatments: T1 - ACP-102c + 20% egg yolk + 7% glycerol and T2 - TRIS+ 20% egg yolk + 7% glycerol. Extended semen samples were then packed in 0.5 mL plastic straws, subjected through therefrigeration curve up to 4°C (0.35°C/min), and equilibrated for 2 h at 4°C. Subsequently, the straws were placed at 4 cmabove liquid nitrogen level (-60°C) for 15 min, immersed, and then finally stored in the liquid nitrogen at -196°C. Bothfresh and thawed samples were evaluated for total and progressive sperm motility using conventional microscopy (40x),and the same evaluator on each occasion. For plasma membrane integrity (IMP), the smear staining technique with theEosin-Nigrosin staining was used; 200 sperms were counted and classified as whole (unstained) and unhealthy (stained).Mitochondrial activity was evaluated using a cytochemical technique based on the oxidation of 3,3-diaminobenzidine(DAB); 200 sperms were counted, and classified into four...(AU)

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