Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 1138-1146

Appropriate level of gilt fatness and muscularity during insemination can improve the efficiency of piglet production

Knecht, DamianŚrodoń, SebastianJankowska-Mąkosa, AnnaDuziński, Kamil

The aim of this study was to determine the degree of fatness and muscularity of gilts with different genotypes on the basis of intravital measurements using an Aloka SSD-500 ultrasound scanner and defining the influence of these parameters on selected indicators of reproductive performance. Research was performed on 462 gilts maintained under the same production conditions. Gilts were divided into 3 groups according to genotype: 154 Landrace gilts (L), 154 Large White (LW), 154 Landrace × Large White [L × LW]. Four selected reproductive indicators were analyzed: the number of piglets born alive (n), average piglet birth weight (kg), number of piglets weaned at 28 days (n) and the average weaned piglet weight (kg). Our results clearly show that an appropriate level of gilt fatness during insemination can contribute to significant improvements in the efficiency of piglet production. In order to increase the number of piglets born alive, the number of piglets at weaning and the masses in these periods, it is recommended insemination of L, LW and [L × LW] gilts when their backfat thickness behind the last rib 3 cm from the midline of the spine exceeds 25 mm. In the case of backfat thickness measured 8 cm from the midline of the spine, to improve the production efficiency of these gilts it is recommended to proceed to insemination, when the value of this trait exceeds 20 mm. In addition, insemination of gilts with the genotype [L × LW] should occur when the amount of LD muscle exceeds 60 mm, the width of the muscle is greater than 135 mm, and its surface is greater than 70 cm2 .(AU)

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