Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 210-216

IETS statement on worldwide ET statistics for 2010

Stroud, BCallesen, H

For the twentieth consecutive year, the Data Retrieval Committee of the International Embryo Transfer Society (IETS) can report global embryo transfer (ET) statistics. The number of bovine in vivo - derived (IVD) embryos collected/flushed worldwide in 2010 increased to 732,000, a 4% increase from 2009. Consequently, the number of bovine IVD embryos transferred is up by 11% to 591,000 in 2010. All continents, with the exception of Africa, reported significant increases in the number of IVD embryos transferred. The number of frozen IVD embryos transferred into recipients outnumbered fresh transfers by 60,000 (328,000 frozen and 263,000 fresh). The total number of transferrable bovine in vitro produced (IVP) embryos worldwide increased to 451,000 in 2010, a 20% increase in IVP production. South America (mainly Brazil) again leads the global field of in vitro embryo production and transfers. The total number of IVP embryos transferred worldwide in 2010 was 339,685, an 11% incre ase from 2009. Global equine ET activity also increased in 2010. The number of reported flushes (41,652) was up by 4,681 (+13%). The number of transfers (28,824) was also up (+4,354). Brazil and Argentina led the way in mares flushed with 15,200 and 12,655 respectively. Small ruminant ET activity was down by about 7% from 2009. Again, Australia was the leader in ovine embryo production and transfers. There was no swine ET activity reported and only a few cervid embryo transfers for 2010. The volume of ET ac tivity reported from all the committees regional data collectors indicates that the embryo transfer industry is doing well. It is important to note that this report does not include every countrys statistics, and very few, if any, country has 100% of its activity represented; however, it is the best worldwide report available about the commercial embryo transfer busines.(AU)

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