Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 115-120

Evaluación del crecimiento en hembras y machos bubalinos en Argentina

Crudeli, G. AKonrad, J. L

An experiment was done with the objective of determining the evolution of the growth of reproductive development in females and males from the Mediterrânea breed at different ages, raised in natural pastures in the north of Corrientes, Argentina. A total of 370 males were evaluated in Experiment 1, with ages starting at 7 months: GW (weaning), G18 (18-20 months), G24 (24-30 months) and G36 (>36 months). There were evaluated, body weight, scrotal perimeter, chest perimeter, sacral hight, scapular hight, wide and lenght of each testicle and testicular surface, as well as the daily testicular growth was measured. The characteristics evaluated in the females, Experiment 2, were body weight at weaning, at 12 and 24 months of age, daily weight gain and the results of gestation at one year and at 24 months of age. The data per group were analyzed by descriptive statistics.(AU)

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